B-Spline Bases
The considered
- B-spline,
- Curry-Schoenberg, and
basis functions are based on a knot vector.
Knot Vectors
Given a polynomial degree $p \in \{1, 2, 3, \dots\}$, a knot vector of length $M$ is defined as
\[U = \{u_1, \dots, u_M\}\,,\]
where $u_i \leq u_{i+1}$, i.e., the entries are sorted in ascending order, $u_1 = 0$, $u_M = 1$, and the first and last entry are each repeated $p + 1$ times.
This specific definition of the first and last entries defines an open knot vector; the only type of knot vector considered in this package.
Having $u_i \in [0, 1]$ is assumed (and partially enforced) everywhere.
The B-spline basis functions of degree $p$ are defined as $B_{i,p}$ on the knot vector $U$ recursively, starting with the piecewise constant ($p=0$) [1, p. 50]
\[B_{i,0}(u) = \begin{cases} 1 & u_i \leq u < u_{i+1} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}\]
as well as for $p>0$
\[B_{i,p}(u) = \cfrac{u - u_i}{u_{i+p} - u_i} \, B_{i, p-1}(u) + \cfrac{u_{i+p+1} - u}{u_{i+p+1} - u_{i+1}} \, B_{i+1, p-1}(u) \,.\]
Whenever one of the contained quotients exhibits a division by 0, the quotient is defined to be 0 itself.
The number of basis functions $N$ is related to the length of the knot vector $M$ and the polynomial degree $p$ as
\[N = M - p - 1 \,.\]
To maintain the partition of unity property also at $u=1$ we modify the above definition at $u=1$ and define
\[B_{N,p}(1) = 1 \,.\]
Curry-Schoenberg Splines
The Curry-Schoenberg spline basis functions [3, p. 88]
\[b_{i,p}(u) = \cfrac{p+1}{u_{i+p+1} - u_i} B_{i,p}(u)\]
are defined as a normalized version of the B-splines.
Introducing $N$ weights $w_i \in \mathbb{R}_+$ the rational B-spline basis functions [1, p. 118]
\[R_{i, p}(u) = \cfrac{B_{i, p}(u) w_i}{\sum_{j=1}^N B_{j, p}(u) w_i}\]
are defined based on the B-spline basis $B_{i, p}$ on the knot vector $U$.
The $k$-th derivative of the B-splines $B_{i, p}$ can be computed as [1, p. 61]
\[B_{i,p}^{(k)}(u) = p \left( \cfrac{B_{i,p-1}^{(k-1)}}{u_{i+p} - u_i} - \cfrac{B_{i+1,p-1}^{(k-1)}}{u_{i+p+1} - u_{i+1}} \right) \,.\]
The Curry-Schoenberg splines are related to the derivatives of the B-splines as
\[B_{i,p}^{(1)}(u) = b_{i,p-1}(u) - b_{i+1,p-1}(u) \,.\]
As this is their common use, derivatives of the Curry-Schoenberg splines are not used/implemented in this package.
The $k$-th derivative of the NURBS basis functions $R_{i, p}$ can be computed as [2]
\[R_{i,p}^{(k)}(u) = \cfrac{w_i \, B_{i,p}^{(k)}(u) - \sum_{j=1}^k \begin{pmatrix} k \\j\end{pmatrix} W^{(j)}(u) R_{i,p}^{k-j}(u)}{W^{(0)}(u)}\]
\[W^{(k)}(u) = \sum_{i=1}^N B_{i, p}^{(k)}(u) w_i \,.\]