
In order to contribute to this package directly create a pull request against the main branch. Before doing so please:

  • Follow the style of the surrounding code.
  • Supplement the documentation.
  • Write tests and check that no errors occur.


For a consistent style the JuliaFormatter.jl package is used which enforces the style defined in the .JuliaFormatter.toml file. To follow this style simply run

using JuliaFormatter

That all files follow the JuliaFormatter style is tested during the unit tests. Hence, do not forget to execute the two lines above. Otherwise, the tests are likely to not pass.


Add documentation for any changes or new features following the style of the existing documentation. For more information you can have a look at the Documenter.jl documentation.


Write tests for your code changes and verify that no errors occur, e.g., by running

using Pkg

For more detailed information on which parts are tested the coverage can be evaluated on your local machine, e.g., by

using Pkg
Pkg.test("NURBS"; coverage=true, julia_args=`--threads 4`)

# determine coverage
using Coverage
src_folder = pkgdir(NURBS) * "/src"
coverage   = process_folder(src_folder)
LCOV.writefile("path-to-folder-you-like" * "", coverage)

clean_folder(src_folder) # delete .cov files

# extract information about coverage
covered_lines, total_lines = get_summary(coverage)
@info "Current coverage:\n$covered_lines of $total_lines lines ($(round(Int, covered_lines / total_lines * 100)) %)"

In Visual Studio Code the Coverage Gutters plugin can be used to visualize the tested lines of the code by inserting the path of the file in the settings.