File I/O
Two means are provided to read data from files either via the function load
or via file specific functions.
To use the unifying function load
, the package FileIO is needed.
Step files
To read .step and .stp files containing B-spline surfaces and/or NURBS surfaces the load
function and the readStep
function is provided.
So far only reading B-spline surfaces (called B_SPLINE_SURFACE_WITH_KNOTS
in .step and .stp) and NURBS surfaces (as a BOUNDED_SURFACE()
in .step and .stp) is supported. However, reading curves should not be too dificult to implement.
using NURBS, FileIO
Patches = load("assets/torus.stp")
using PlotlyJS
plotPatches(Patches, plotControlPoints=false, resolution=0.25)
Multipatch Files
To read multipatch files as defined and provided by the nurbs Octave implementation and BEMBEL the load
function and the readMultipatch
function is provided.
Apart from these files the implementation in this package is done independendly from the Octave package. Similarities are accidentally (as it is also based on [1]). Also note, that the Octave package so far provides more functionality.
using NURBS, FileIO
Patches = load("assets/sphere.dat")
using PlotlyJS
plotPatches(Patches, plotControlPoints=true, resolution=0.1)
VTK Files (ParaView)
To display surfaces in ParaView the function saveVtk
is provided. It converts the surface to an unstructured grid and exports a .vtu file which can be opened by ParaView.
using NURBS, FileIO
Patches = load("assets/torus.stp")
saveVtk("filename", Patches; resolution=0.01) # filename without extension
To add color information the function vtk
can be used together with the WriteVKT.jl package. To this end, the color values at the four corner points of each cell have to be provided in a Vector.
using NURBS, FileIO, WriteVTK
Patches = load("assets/torus.stp")
cellV, x, y, z = NURBS.vtk(Patches, 0.01)
vtk_grid("filename", x, y, z, cellV) do vtk
vtk["dataName"] = 2 * x + y